The FertilityCare Practitioner Education Program is an internationally recognized program. It aims to create a new allied health profession through an intensive and focused educational process of Education Phases and Supervised Practicums. These two phases teach the Practitioner the details of FertilityCare management, resulting in highly educated professionals who can enter their communities and empower women and couples seeking these services.

There are 3 FertilityCare Education Programs in Africa.

In Nigeria

Program Name Program Director WhatsApp Email
New Hope FertilityCare Education Program Ms Ayodele Shonubi CFCP, CFCE +234 802 874 9841
Franciscan FertilityCare Services and Education Program Rev Sr Cecilia Adache CFCP, CFCE +234 708 421 005 (WhatsApp)
St Margaret's FertilityCare Practitioner Education Program Dr Francis Francis Achebe MD, PGDFM, CFCMC, CFCP, CFCE +234 908 624 4823 (WhatsApp)
+234 803 709 9534

For more information on the Education Programs contact the Program Directors.